Love is the basis of life. It unites people, mends broken hearts, and makes relationships stronger. The Bible is full of wisdom regarding love—how to love God, how to love others, and how to establish relationships on faith, trust, and kindness.
Here in this article, we are going to learn about Love Bible Verses in Hindi that help us learn about God’s unlimited love, love for relationships and marriage, loving people, and loving our enemies too. These verses of the Bible help us to lead a life with compassion, patience, and kindness.
Short Verses on Love
1 यूहन्ना 4:8 – “जो प्रेम नहीं करता, वह परमेश्वर को नहीं जानता, क्योंकि परमेश्वर प्रेम है।”
1 कुरिन्थियों 16:14 – “तुम जो कुछ भी करो, प्रेम से करो।”
1 पतरस 4:8 – “सबसे बढ़कर, आपस में गहरा प्रेम रखो, क्योंकि प्रेम बहुत से पापों को ढाँक देता है।”
रोमियों 12:10 – “एक दूसरे से भाईचारे का प्रेम रखो, आदर करने में एक दूसरे से आगे बढ़ो।”
Why Love is Central in the Bible?
The Bible instructs us that love is not merely an emotion—love is a lifestyle. Love is to be unconditional, unselfish, and compassionate. The Bible says that love is:
- The Greatest Commandment: Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love God and love one another (Matthew 22:37-39).
- A Fruit of God: Love is the first fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
- A Source of Strength: Research demonstrates that individuals in loving relationships have longer, healthier lives with reduced stress.
- A Reflection of the Character of God: God is love, and loving is reflective of His nature.
मत्ती 22:37-39 – “अपने परमेश्वर से अपने सारे मन, आत्मा और बुद्धि से प्रेम करो।”
गलातियों 5:22 – “आत्मा का फल प्रेम, आनंद, मेल, धीरज, और भलाई है।”
यूहन्ना 15:12 – “यह मेरी आज्ञा है कि तुम एक दूसरे से वैसे ही प्रेम रखो जैसे मैंने तुमसे प्रेम रखा।”
1 यूहन्ना 4:16 – “परमेश्वर प्रेम है, और जो प्रेम में बना रहता है, वह परमेश्वर में बना रहता है।”
Love Bible Verses in Hindi: God’s Unconditional Love
God’s love is eternal, unconditional, and unlimited. Regardless of whatever we may do, He still loves us. His love does not rely on our actions but on His nature.
यूहन्ना 3:16 – “परमेश्वर ने जगत से ऐसा प्रेम किया कि उसने अपना एकलौता पुत्र दे दिया।”
रोमियों 5:8 – “जब हम पापी ही थे, मसीह हमारे लिए मरा।” (Romans 5:8 – While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.)
यिर्मयाह 31:3 – “मैंने तुझसे सदा प्रेम किया है, इस कारण मैं तुझ पर अपनी करूणा बनाए रखूंगा।”
इफिसियों 2:4-5 – “परमेश्वर जो दया में धनी है, उसने अपने महान प्रेम से हमें जीवित किया।”
Love Bible Verses in Hindi: Loving Your Enemies
This is perhaps one of the toughest but most powerful teachings of Jesus. He not only tells us to love our loved ones and friends, but even those who have wronged us.
मत्ती 5:44 – “अपने शत्रुओं से प्रेम रखो, और जो तुम्हें सताते हैं उनके लिए प्रार्थना करो।”
लूका 6:27 – “अपने शत्रुओं से प्रेम रखो, और जो तुमसे बैर रखते हैं उनके साथ भलाई करो।”
रोमियों 12:20 – “यदि तेरा शत्रु भूखा हो तो उसे भोजन कराओ।”
नीतिवचन 25:21 – “यदि तेरा शत्रु प्यासा हो तो उसे जल पिलाना।”
The Bible says that love is a choice, a commitment, and a lifestyle. If we follow the words of Jesus, we can develop stronger relationships, be kind to others, and have peace in our lives. Love Bible Verses in Hindi tell us that real love is selfless, patient, and eternal.
What is the most famous Bible verse about love?
John 3:16 is possibly the most famous love verse of all: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse illustrates God’s tremendous love and giving for humanity.
How can I apply love teachings from the Bible in real life?
You can implement biblical love by being patient, forgiving, kind, and selfless in everyday situations. Serving others, being sympathetic, and treating individuals with respect enhances relationships and demonstrates God’s love.
Why does the Bible say to love our enemies?
Loving our enemies releases us from bitterness and anger and brings inner peace. Jesus taught in Matthew 5:44, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” This is an expression of God’s grace and aids us in spiritual growth.
What is God’s greatest commandment on love?
Jesus taught in Matthew 22:37-39: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.” This reminds us to put God first and be kind and respectful to others.